Terre and Maggie Roche: Kin Ya See That Sun - Spectrum Culture

“Gifts appear in the strangest of places, and Terre and Maggie Roche’s Kin Ya See That Sun is a present of immense proportions. From two concerts 25-years apart, we get to experience the awe and wonder of sisters who spent an inordinate amount of time creating a musical legacy that dates back to their childhood…Perhaps the most amazing part of the album is the way that the two Roches not only hone their craft but merged their voices in simply yet intricate ways. Their voices wind around each other in an intricate dance also played out on guitars. “Telephone Bill” plays out in a whirl of voices simple and soft, then charged and at an almost impossibly loud volume illustrating just how well rehearsed they were from all that time on the road.” by Bob Fish. Read the entire article HERE.


NPR’s Ann Powers on “Moonruns” from Kin Ya See That Sun


Kin Ya See That Sun - Airmail