Kin Ya See That Sun - book discount

In celebration of the 6 month anniversary of the release of the book/audio album “Kin Ya See That Sun,” I’ll be offering a $10 off discount on the book that runs from April 18th through May 18th.  Just visit anytime during those dates and use the discount code KINYA when you check out to get $10 off your purchase. The book contains lyrics, photographs, drawings, and recollections from various people who remember Maggie and me from way back when.  Anyone who purchases the book gets a free digital download of the album. PLUS, another very cool new way of hearing each song - using a QR code to stream the song right on the page of that song's lyrics!  “One of the coolest releases of 2022…” Blair Jackson, Acoustic Guitar Magazine.


“Star of Wonder” arrangements published by E. C. Schirmer


Culture Connection at Queens Public Library